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Friday, November 14, 2014

Thirudan Police - Somehow gives you the 'Jigarthanda' feel!

Thirudan Police - Somehow gives you the 'Jigarthanda' feel!

Cast: Attakathi Dinesh, Ishwaryaa, Bala Saravanan, John Vijay, Naan Kadavul Rajendran, Nitin Satya, Naren etc

& Crew: Direction: Caarthick Raju, Screenplay: Caarthick Raju,Story: Caarthick Raju ,Music: Yuvan Shankar Raja 
Background score: Yuvan Shankar Raja ,Cinematography: Siddharth ,Dialogues: Caarthick Raju ,Editing: Praveen KL 
Art direction: Jacki ,Stunt choreography: Dilip Subarayan 
Dance choreography: Dinesh ,Lyrics: Na Muthukumar 
PRO: Suresh Chandra 

Production: S.P.Charan, Selvakumar J 

Time: 2hrs 16mins

This film's on the whole somehow had the 'Jigarthanda' feel, especially the transformation of the villain, his confession etc! Whether it was intentional or not at times the director of this film appears to be making a fool of his own premise! Let me explain- 

The film opens with 'adi thadi' as Vishwa (Dinesh) single handedly bashes up (Nithin Sathya) a good for nothing and his cronies. Selva chases Nitin all over the place they even end up fighting inside a cop station with all the usual Tamilnadu 'idiot' cops even unable to even separate leave alone stop the two juveniles (stereotyped). You come to know through Ekambaram (stereotyped Bala Saravanan the comedy quotient & policeman buddy of the hero) that that Selva is the S/o (Rajesh) a head constable and Nitin S/o an asst com of police. Unusual beginning but slightly cliched! Director Caarthick Raju then goes on to introduce the heroine (Ishwaryaa Rajesh). The heroine job is very clearly defined it is to keep smiling or turning around and smiling all the time. Once again heroine is turned redundant by one more director (stereotyped). Our hero Vishwa 'once' again (stereo typed) by a Tamil director as a 'Naalaayak; beta (good for nothing son) and the poor hard working father a typically overweight head constable keeps abusing and cursing his son most of the time while the doting mom (Uma Padmanabhan) keeps indulging her darling son (stereo typed so often that i have lost count ). To cut the blah! blah! short, the dad wants his son to become a cop etc etc that is why he keeps cursing and abusing him (another stereotyped father for the umpteenth time). This kind of storytelling requires the minimum of effort by the director but fetches him the maximum returns by way of content filling! Nitin Sathya is once again (stereotyped) as a tamil film playboy who seduces and rapes every damsel he sets his eye on! Here the wretched dad (stereotyped) keeps cursing and abusing his 'rapist' son but turns a blind eye to his all misdeeds. Why? That's a silly question! Ans: The father is a corrupt Asst commissioner who is hand in glove with a notorious history cheater (Rajendran) and his younger brother (Daniel Balaji) (stereotyped). Someone should advice this actor to stop ranting, raving and screaming and start performing. This actor is very closely following Thambi Ramiah's footsteps (probably a future national award?) but believe me after a while he simply gets on your nerves. Vishwa and (Nitin Sathya) are both pursuing Ishwaryaa of course for different 'R'S' I mean reasons one to romance her and the other to rape her! (stereotyped) wow! I am beginning to get all poetic and rhyming etc.

Now the story moves on to (Naren) the commissioner of police wanting to encounter the history sheeter Rajendran. He summons the Asst commissioner to 'Pottuthallify' Rajendran. (stereotyped)The asst commissioner who is in cahoots with Rajendran not only warns him but condones his misdeeds ,grants him immunity and a new identity if he 'pottuthallifies' Vishwa's dad the head constable. All done in one telephone call! Why? Because the head constable had earlier threatened  to reveal the clandestine deeds of the asst commissioner! (stereotyped)Why? For the sake of his 'Nalayak' son Vishwa. Why? (stereotyped) Pl no more questions! After killing Vishwa's father how does he become incognito! The commissioner simply asks Rajendran to shave of his head and relax in a neighbouring cop friends jail cell! Which actually has a suit of empty adjoining cells to put up all of Rajendran's gang members! Just in case 'his' own police force try to arrest Rajendran! In fact he has free access to his cell phone too! Vishwa who hates his father till now is oblivious of all that is happening around him and does not even shed a tear at his dad's 'encounter' death!  Why? Because he hates his abusive father.  A decent man trying to make a man out of his good for nothing son. (stereotyped)The commissioner somehow within a matter of a few minutes on the way to Vishwa's house to pay respects out of nowhere fishes out a cover and hands an order to Vishwa appointing him as a constable! Wow! The state government should take a cue from this on how to get rid of red tapism. 

Footnote: Why does all the stereotyping go well with our viewers. In this film a few cosmetic changes effected by the director, funny dialogues, contribution from a few actors, sizeable contributions from the D.O.P and the editor compels one to sit through all the above scenes. It's like a sugar coated pill!

Coincidences galore
1.The commissioner connecting an old incident involving Vishwa's father. 2. Vishwa appears out of nowhere at the market and saves the kidnapped child by bending down to tie his shoe lace . 3. Vishwa once re appears when Rajendran and his 'adiyals' threaten Ishwaryaa 3.Vishwa and (Bala) go to the same Tasmac shop where Rajendran and his buddies are drinking 4. Vishwa sent to the same jail for duty where Rajendran and co are hiding 5. Commissioner being so impressed with Vishwa insists that he should be a part of the encounter team 6. Vishwa meeting Ishwaryaa as and when the 'director' pleases.7. Picked each and every time to serve the asst commissioner's wife and his son (Nithin Sathya)  8. Vishwa accompanying the asst comm's wife  to the temple with Asst comm's wife and saving  her.

Footnote: Why do so many coincidences work in Tamil cinema. In this film once again the cosmetic changes and the flow of the premise purely owing to the edit and camera work makes it plausible! Luckily not too many songs, fights are obscenity to make such instances glaring.

The second half (the final 15 mins)
The absurd comical scenes in this half are the most enjoyable parts in this film. Though it reminds one of 'Jigarthanda'. 1. The villain Rajendran and his 'adiyals' being transformed into lame ducks! (Making Rajendran dress like a woman symbolizing the slang word 'Pottai' normally used for 'scaredy cats' is one of the better scenes in this film). 2. Extracting confessions from Rajendran and co (video taping it etc). 3. Vishwas and his buddy playing a major part in the final act of the film. The difference being the hero in Jigarthanda being he fights the villains to avenge the injustice meted out to him. Here the hero fights to avenge his father's death. In both films the directors use comical absurdity to enliven proceedings. Is this another coincidence?

Footnote: Vijay Sethupathi cameo appears in a 'item number' is rather irksome! 2. Dinesh should stop trying hard to act 'normally'! He should try hard to get out of the 'cuckoo' mould! 3. Vishwa explodes when his friend is bashed up but is relatively sombre and mild when dealing with his father's killers! In fact one feels he lets them of quite lightly in comparison! 

D.O.P: Involved with the film completely. It shows! The song filming was just about average.

Edit: Great work! It really help cut any lag the film the film may have had. Though the Tasmac scene should have been pruned along with both the songs!

Music: BG score adequate. Songs nothing to write home about!

Bottomline: A film on the lines of Soodhu Kavum, Jigarthanda, Moodar koodam etc. I am glad that these small budget films are giving a run for their money to all the so called big budget superhero films!

Quote: "Small budget films stumble but recover! Big budget films fall and remain fallen!"

My Rating: 2.25 + .25 (performance of a few actors) Total 2.5/5

Until next time,
Director Haricharan


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