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Monday, August 17, 2015

Bosskeytv 10k views in 3 days!

Thank u all! Bosskeytv views crosses the 10k mark in 3 days! hC

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Launch of our www.bosskeytv. com - The first Tamizh IPTV dedicated to COMEDY!

Launch of our www.bosskeytv. com - The first Tamizh IPTV dedicated to COMEDY!
Hi All! 
Tomorrow we are launching our first phase of with a sensational heart to heart interview featuring SIMBU and Bosskey. The link will open at 5PM tomorrow. 1 Day prior to the release of 'VAALU' starring SIMBU! Hindu Tamizh our media partner will be carrying a special feature on this scoop! 

Signing off in eager anticipation this time as Haricharan CEO on behalf of the fantastic  bosskeytv team which have made this dream launch  possible after nearly one year of hard work and dedication! 

Thank u all!